An event’s registration is its first impression to the public. Registration staff are the first to greet and welcome delegates, seasoned and new, to the show. It is crucial that this first impression is positive to make people excited and eager to do business.
Registration Dos
Do make sure to give in-depth training to volunteers and staff before Registration opens.
Having the event staff and volunteers familiar with the system you are using and the process at check-in is of utmost importance to ensure a speedy and efficient registration process. To do so, have your most patient and thorough staff member lead the demonstration. Getting used to a new registration process can be difficult and confusing, so having someone who knows the material well, but will also be patient with new learners is crucial.
Do show the staff what to do should something go wrong, ie. A name cannot be found or a balance has yet to be paid.
Keeping cool in situations of uncertainty almost guarantees a better experience for staff and delegates.
Do offer more information than necessary.
It feels like there is more and more information to provide to delegates each year. Though it is time-consuming and tedious to cover all of the bases, it’s incredibly beneficial to provide the maximum amount of information upfront to delegates. Always follow up with the best place they can access the information after they leave registration and enter the rest of the show, but giving too much information upfront is always better than not providing enough.
Do be prepared.
Months and sometimes even years of preparation go into events of this caliber. There is no such thing as being too prepared! Run through the registration process ahead of time, review your reports to make sure everything has been cleared up, and make sure you are aware of any exceptions you are making.
Do have backups and extras.
Printers and computers tend to have a mind of their own at times, so having back up options can help minimize the chance of disaster. Having extra supplies such as Cardstock, pens, badges, ink, etc. is also important.
Registration Don’ts
Don’t prioritize efficiency over connection.
Having a speedy check-in process is an asset to any show or event. However, it is not more important than the experience of the delegates. Do not sacrifice hospitality to prioritize speed. Greet each delegate with a welcoming smile, and make sure to spend at least a minute or two ensuring they get all of the information needed. Especially for first-time delegates, the process of attending a new can be daunting so making them feel welcome can make all of the difference in the world.
Don’t say “I don’t know”.
Let’s face it, there are always going to be questions we don’t know how to answer. There’s nothing wrong with that! However, it is a good idea to go to the positive, rather than the negative. A great way to answer is “let me find that out”, and then spend some time figuring it out. If you still are not able to provide an answer, then get the contact information for the delegate and get in touch when you do find the answer.